Monday, April 19, 2010

Demo pics

Here are some pics from the kitchen demolition this weekend.

These cabinets were dismantled. The countertop did not want to go! But I finally got it up and out of there.

All the drywall between the kitchen and living room was taken down.

A trash compactor was pulled out from under the counter - to the right of the stove.

Another wall that is coming down - opening the kitchen up even more.

I still have a tiny bit of counter space left for the microwave!

Here's the view from kitchen looking into living room.

View from kitchen looking to what will be the refrigerator wall.

A pile of dismantled cabinets stacked up and an old trash compactor - ready for the next run to the dump.

I will need to have someone haul the stove away. 

Here's a closeup of the old cabinets and old vintage cabinet pulls. I'll keep the remaining wall cabinets until the last possible moment. They are still holding some dishes and other stuff.

The kitchen ceiling will be the next to go. You can see that the kitchen wall studs are holding up the ceiling so I can't open up the kitchen without dismantiling the ceiling first.

The ceiling demo will probably take all of next weekend.

When I start putting everything back together, this vent will be moved over a few feet. 

The laminate flooring will come out too.

So hopefully by the end of next weekend the kitchen will be entirely demolished. Then I will bring back the electricians to re-route some of the wiring in the dropped ceiling, run a new circuit for the fridge, and hook me up with some recessed lighting.

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