Friday, July 2, 2010

Size matters

Vito showed up today to look at my AC.

When he saw that he had to climb up three stories to the roof to get to the heat pump, he declined the job. Apparently OSHA standards say you can't put a ladder on the stairwell landing in the back.  The ladder has to be firmly placed on the ground, but his shorter 28-foot ladder wouldn't reach the roof from the ground. He needed a bigger, 40-foot ladder.  

The warranty company started looking for another hvac company that has a 40-foot ladder AND is willing to go up to the roof to make an official diagnosis of the problem for the warranty company.  At the end of the day, I found out they could not find an hvac outfit in their network to do the job.  So they agreed to let me find a company and then be reimbursed after the work is done. 

So all I need to do is find an hvac company with a 40-foot ladder.

How hard can that be?

1 comment:

  1. E-gads..with this weather?!...Can you ask the Warranty Company to speed it up?!!!!
