Monday, June 28, 2010

Rain delay

Remember me telling you that my AC is out? 

And did I tell you that it's been 90+ degrees every day for the last ten days in DC?

It's true.  Visit and they'll tell you all about our historic heat wave.

Anyway, I took the afternoon off from work today to be home for the 12-4 appointment window with Vito's heating and air conditioning.  Fifteen minutes before the end of said four-hour window, they called to say they are not coming as scheduled.   

It turns out they were on the way over when it started raining hard and they can't go up on the roof during or after rain for safety reasons, which I totally get. I've fallen off a ladder and it's not that fun.

The good news is that we're rescheduled for Friday.  

The better news:  we're in for a cooler temps in the 80s for the rest of the week!

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