Saturday, June 5, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I ended up in the ER and the doctors quickly figured out that I had gallstones. If you have never had them, thank god.  If you have, then you know they hurt like hell. 

So I had to have a surgery and spent a night in the hospital.  The good news is that I'm feeling much better. The bad news for my DIY renovation is that it is now no longer a DIY project.  On doctors orders I cannot do any work on the kitchen for several weeks.

While at home in recovery this week, I brought in three contractors to give me estimates for completing the job.  I signed a contract with Jason, who came recommended from one of my co-workers.  Jason will finish up the framing, drywall, and install the cabinets.

He starts next week and should be here for about 3 days.

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